Dernières publications

Dernières publications des membres du GWSC.

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POSYDON: A General-Purpose Population Synthesis Code with Detailed Binary-Evolution Simulations

POSYDON: A General-Purpose Population Synthesis Code with Detailed Binary-Evolution Simulations Authors: Fragos, Andrews, Bavera, Berry, Coughlin, Dotter, Giri, Kalogera, Katsaggelos, Kovlakas, Lalvani, Misra, Srivastava, Qin, Rocha, Roman-Garza, Serra, Stahle, Sun, Teng, Trajcevski, Tran, Xing,Zapartas, Zevin (2022) Abstract: Most massive stars are members of a binary or a higher-order stellar systems, where the presence of a…

Forecasting the detection capabilities of third-generation gravitational-wave detectors using \texttt{GWFAST}

Forecasting the detection capabilities of third-generation gravitational-wave detectors using GWFAST Authors: Iacovelli, Mancarella, Foffa, Maggiore (2022) Abstract: \texttt{GWFAST} is a novel Fisher-matrix code for gravitational-wave studies, tuned toward third-generation gravitational-wave detectors such as Einstein Telescope and Cosmic Explorer. The code is used to perform a comprehensive study of the capabilities of ET alone, and of…

The effective spin-redshift correlation of field binary black hole mergers and how 3G gravitational-wave detectors can constrain it

The effective spin-redshift correlation of field binary black hole mergers and how 3G gravitational-wave detectors can constrain it Authors: Bavera, Fishbach, Zevin, Zapartas, Fragos (2022) Abstract: Understanding the origin of merging binary black holes is currently one of the most pressing quests in astrophysics. In this research article, we showed that if isolated binary evolution…
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Gravitational Wave Science Center

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